17-19 July 2024

Tropical Horizons: Advancing Sustainability in Agriculture, Environment, and Technology


Tropical Horizons: Advancing Sustainability in Agriculture, Environment, and Technology 17-19 July 2024

Tropical ecosystems host an incredible array of biodiversity found in diverse habitats that exist in contrasting land use types. Aside from their inherent ecological value, these ecosystems and their biodiversity also provide significant ecosystem goods and services promoting economic and other livelihood opportunities. Despite these major benefits for humans in the form of ecosystem goods and services, ecosystem and landscape degradation by human activity and changes in land-use, climate and population do compromise their ecological functioning (Blake et al., 2018; Veldhuis et al., 2019; Ngondya and Munishi, 2022; Capitani et al., 2019; Kariuki et al., 2021; 2022; Simba et al., 2024; Scaini et al., 2024).

Using multiple lines of evidence and drawing on collective experience from multidisciplinary research works focused on the tropical landscapes, we find that it is such a high time we come together in a platform to identify the major challenges and opportunities for translating research from these landscapes into better-informed choices by individuals and policy-makers. This way, we expect that the dialogues and discussions in this conference will in turn provide a roadmap that can support transformation of tropical landscapes to a sustainable future especially across their vast network of degraded ecosystems (Blake et al., 2018; Simba et al., 2024; Scaini et al., 2024).  We therefore invite and call upon conference participants to discuss together and find potential pathways to overcome these challenges including e providing targeted options that may include for dissemination and outreach, and facilitate collaboration and coordination across different sites in ways that will realize sustainability and resilience of these ecosystems

Objectives of the Conference

  1. Present and discuss environmental and societal-associated drivers of within-and between-ecosystem change at landscape/catchment level as an important platform to build on useful resources needed for dialogue on environmental resource management and inform pathways to desirable and sustainable future changes.
  2. Disseminate and discuss cutting edge interdisciplinary research on tropical ecosystems for enhancing sustainability and resilience in the tropical landscapes.
  3. Discuss best practices for promoting evidence-based interdisciplinary research outputs for sustainable future.
  4. Increase awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary evidence in promoting sustainable management of ecosystems a key for facilitating sustainable ecosystem functions and provision of services.

Conference Excursion

Route One (20 July 2024 starting at 07:00 a.m.)

One day trip excursion to the escarpment of the Eastern Arm of East African Rift System with the stop over at Lake Manyara will be organised. Participants will be picked up in the morning from the accommodation centres in Arusha City with about two-hour drive to the Lake Manyara basin. On the way, participants will see different land uses and biodiversity, a typical characteristic of landscape-level management system. At the escarpment of the East African Rift System, just near Lake Manyara National Park main Gate, participants will be introduced to the history of the area, geological formation of the landscape and the onset of man of the Genus Homo, climate, ecology, land use and biodiversity (flora and fauna) and threats in the landscape. Soon after the introductions, participants will start hiking through the edges of the escarpment and a walk to the shore of Lake Manyara. Alongside the impressive view of the Lake and tropical ground forest vegetation, participants will have the chance to catch a glimpse of lake, impressive avifauna, diversity of large mammals and community cultural practices. After 1-2-hour nature walk in East African Rift system, participants will settle at the famous Mto Wa Mbu town, where they will have a well-earned rest and lunch. After lunch they will have a chance to bike around this cultural town (30 minutes route), where they can see and enjoy wonderful people from the community and their livelihood practices. More details on the tour will be given in the tour guide book.

Route two (Date: 20 July 2024 starting at 08:00 am)

A one-day trip excursion that will involve a visit to the tissue culture lab and banana research field at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) to appreciate efforts invested in the banana breeding program. While on the NM-AIST campus, participants also will have the opportunity to visit the constructed wetland for waste-water treatment reuse for banana irrigation. After that, participants will visit Olorien’s Banana Investment Ltd., a banana wine industry with waste treatment to recover biogas for energy use to witness how banana cultivation can revolutionize the rural economy and provide employment. The participants will then visit the community on the southeast slopes of Mount Meru, one pf the Tanzania’s highest mountain, which is only second to Kilimanjaro, where they will be able to see the original set-up of banana-based home gardens in real time and space. On the way back, participants will have the chance to view cultural heritage at Sanawari ya Juu, which features the beautiful Lorovan waterfalls.

Lake Manyara

Pre-and/or post-conference tours (include links to tour operators)

Arusha city, popularly known as the “Geneva of Africa” is a hub of tourism activities in Tanzania, with a number of nearby tourism attractions including Arusha National Park, Kilimanjaro National Park, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti National Park; also some cultural tourism centers etc. Participants interested to participate in tourism activities before or after the conference should contact our conference organizing committee using conference2024@nm-aist.ac.tz


There are several hotels within Arusha city with double and single rooms. The Conference Organisers may assist the participants in making hotel bookings and/or please visit https://www.booking.com/ and see options available at Arusha. The costs for accommodation in Arusha range from US$15-150. Alternatively, contact the conference organisers in case you need assistance with hotel booking through; conference2024@nm-aist.ac.tz

Call for Abstracts


At this conference, it is possible to submit an abstract for contributions in the following categories:

  1. Paper presentation
  2. Poster presentation

Guidelines and requirements for submission:

Abstracts should be submitted by the deadlines for consideration. The abstracts for the paper presentation should have the following structure: short title, authors’ names and affiliations (list multiple affiliations one below the other) and mark each with a superscript “1” “2”, etc. Mark the name of the corresponding author with an asterisk (*). Provide the Email address of the corresponding author. The abstract should not exceed 200 words in correct English. Font style and size should be Times New Roman 12, line spacing of 1.5, in continuous text without subtitles or paragraph numbering. The abstracts will be reviewed for acceptance by the Scientific Committee and upon acceptance, they shall be inserted in the “Book of Abstracts”.

The abstract practical workshop must have a maximum of 300 words and contain a title, theme/problem area, contextualize the workshop, keywords, name and institution, desired technical needs, and maximum number of participants. The time frame will be 60 minutes. Likewise, abstracts for poster presentations can be submitted under the same conditions. The posters should be in A1 format and of sufficient layout and graphical quality. The time frame for all the paper and poster presentations mentioned above is 15 minutes + 5 minutes to questions.

Submission of full papers for publication in peer-review journals 

We have secured slots in special issues that will be able to publish quality papers from our conference themes. To make this possible, abstracts accepted for Oral or poster presentations at the conference will be subject to submission of full manuscripts. Deadline for submission of full manuscripts will be communicated at later stage in 2024. Instructions to authors during preparation of full papers will be shown in the conference time table. Successful papers from this conference are expected to be published in the special issues of journals below

Discover Sustainability (ISSN 2662-9984, Impact Factor 2.6) https://link.springer.com/journal/43621

Environmental Earth Sciences(Impact Factor 2.8)

Conference Chairs

Prof. Karoli Njau

view profile

Prof. Luc, Brendonck

view profile

Prof. Linus Munishi

view profile

Prof. Dr. Didas Kimaro

view profile

Prof. Rony Swennen

view profile

Scientific Committee

  1. Prof. Karoli Njau, NM-AIST, (karoli.njau@nm-aist.ac.tz)
  2. Prof. Linus Munishi, NM-AIST, (linus.munishi@nm-aist.ac.tz)
  3. Dr. Gordian Mataba, NM-AIST,  (gordian.mataba@nm-aist.ac.tz)
  4. Prof. Luc, Brendonck, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium, (luc.brendonck@kuleuven.be)
  5. Prof. Rony Swennen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium, (rony.swennen@kuleuven.be)
  6. Prof. Dr. Didas Kimaro, Mwenge Catholic University (didasnahumu@gmail.com, didas.kimaro@mwecau.ac.tz)
  7. Dr. Akida Meya, NM-AIST, (akida.meya@nm-aist.ac.tz)
  8. Prof. Bart Van der Bruggen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium (bart.vanderbruggen@kuleuven.be)
  9. Prof. Bram Van Schoenwinkel (VUB Brussels), Belgium. (Bram.jasper.vanschoenwinkel@vub.be)
  10. Prof. Egbert De Smet, (Antwerp), Belgium, (egbert.desmet@uantwerpen.be)
  11. Dr. Neema Mduma, NM-AIST, (neema.mduma@nm-aist.ac.tz)
  12. Ms. Elke Piessens, (Hasselt University), Belgium (elke.piessens@uhasselt.be)
  13. Dr. Janeth Marwa, NM-AIST,  (janeth.marwa@nm-aist.ac.tz)


10th January 2024

10th January 2024 -

First announcement

Tropical Horizons: Advancing Sustainability in Agriculture, Environment, and Technology On 17-19 July 2024

15th February 2024

15th February 2024 - 30th May 2024

Early bird registration

15th June 2024

15th June 2024 -

Deadline for submission of abstracts

The abstract practical workshop must have a maximum of 300 words and contain a title, theme/problem area, contextualize the workshop, keywords, name and institution, desired technical needs, and maximum number of participants.

17th June 2024

17th June 2024 -

Notification of abstract acceptance

All conference emails, enquiries and correspondences that include submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations and full papers should be sent to conference2024@nm-aist.ac.tz. Authors of submitted abstracts will be notified about acceptance by the conference secretariat as soon as the abstract is received.


25th June 2024

25th June 2024 -

Full Paper Submission

Instructions to authors during preparation of full papers will be shown in the conference time table. Successful papers from this conference are expected to be published in the special issues of journals below

Discover Sustainability (ISSN 2662-9984, Impact Factor 2.6) https://link.springer.com/journal/43621

Environmental Earth Sciences(Impact Factor 2.8)
16th July 2024

16th July 2024 -

Ultimate registration

17- 19 July 2024

17- 19 July 2024 -

Conference dates

Conference Fees

Early bird conference registration fee

TZS - US $

Students TZS 100,000
National participants TZS 200,000
International participants US $ 200

Late conference registration fee

TZS - US $

Students TZS 150,000
National participants TZS 250,000
International participants US $ 250

The Conference fees include registration, refreshments, lunch, and Book of Abstracts. 

Please deposit your payment on the following Bank account numbers:

  1. USD ACC NO: 0250047604203
  2. TZS ACC NO: 0150047604203

Name of the account holder: NM-AIST PROGRAMME

Bank address: CRDB BANK PLC, P.O. BOX, 355, Usa River Branch, Arusha, TANZANIA;


Conference Partners


Our Office

The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST),
P. O. Box 447, Tengeru-Arusha, Tanzania

Contact Information


+255 272970007, +255 713464813